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SPH Power at Work (SPH) specializes in providing effective and efficient job placement services. We assist Canadian companies to find entry level, skilled, and semi-skilled workers that will meet and exceed their needs. Whether you are a company that needs to find skilled workers, or an individual who is looking for a job in their field, we can help!
We provide workers from our domestic and international data base within Canada who have been screened and are ready for work. They have local knowledge and training and are accessible for employers seeking their knowledge and expertise. Many employers in Canada who are challenged with labour and skills shortage can access our data base of international workers. At SPH we use our vast experience of recruiting international workers to match companies to the right person with the experience and skills as well as competency in English, and those who are able to work effectively and safely in the Canadian work environment.
Screening Workers
Support in the Recruitment Process:
For more information call SPH: 250-314-6555, or send us an email:
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+001 250 314 6555
Mailing Address
Suite 200 - 535 Tranquille Road Kamloops, BC, Canada, V2B 3H5
SPH Northern Offices by Appointment
+001 250 319 7967