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Screening for success is a critical part of the services offered by SPH Immigration Services. With the growing changes in Canadian Immigration for workers at all levels, it is important for SPH to focus our clients on job readiness. Using this approach, we support them to be prepared to enter and successfully remain in the workforce in Canada.
Therefore, all persons wishing to use our services are encouraged to take part in our comprehensive initial assessment and consultation process that evaluates immigration as well as addressing professional development, training, and work based experience that are most likely to enable economic stability in Canada.
Complete the Immigration Assessment today!
For more information call SPH: 250-314-6555, send us an email: shirley@sph-services.com
Call Us +001 250 314 6555
Mailing Address Suite 200 - 535 Tranquille Road, Kamloops, BC, Canada, V2B 3H5
SPH Northern Office by Appointment +001 778 220 2774